Playing for Success Eindhoven

Group 8 course

In addition to the regular offer, Playing for Success Eindhoven has a program for a specific group of children. This concerns pupils from group 8 who are going to make the transition to secondary education. The children themselves, but also their parents and teachers, experience this transition as an important and exciting period. The transition from primary to secondary education is accompanied by major organizational, didactic and substantive changes. Together with education, Playing for Success Eindhoven wants to contribute to make this transition as smooth as possible.


The reason for this offer stems from recent studies showing that the transition from primary school to secondary education does not always go smoothly. As a result, pupils drop out prematurely or are at risk of dropping out, pupils drop out with a lower type of education than recommended by primary school and therefore underachievement. Education is working hard to solve this problem, they do this by means of better coordination of the educational content, good transfer, involving parents, etc. Playing for Success Eindhoven believes that they can contribute to better preparation of the children for secondary education and to guide these kids during the first steps on secondary education. This concerns the further development of the required learning and social competences.

Method and guidance:

Within the trajectory Playing for Success focuses on "learning to learn", Playing for Success stands next to the pupils and gives them responsibility for their own learning process. This is done according to the methodology of solution-oriented working, by setting goals with the children that are constantly reviewed. As a result, children see their successes and points for improvement and the kids learn to reflect on their own work attitude. Learning competences and social competences are improved through lifelike learning, so that pupils can train the skills regularly. Playing for Success makes a strong link to the experiences of pupils themselves in order to be able to apply lifelike learning as much as possible.

Three months, after completion of the trajectory, the children are invited to a follow-up meeting in the learning center so that the development of the kids can be followed.

Parent involvement:

Playing for Success Eindhoven also wants to give parents a role in this process. Parental involvement is very important for the development of the pupils. Prior to the trajectory, parents are invited to an information evening and they are welcome during the festive graduation ceremony of the trajectory. During the process we organize a "parent meeting"; where parents get a presentation of what has been done so far and what is still on the program. Questions can also be asked and parents will carry out an activity together with their child.

The registration is done by the school. The teacher and / or Internal Counselor can best estimate which pupils could use a helping hand to make the transition as smooth as possible. It is important that a registration is discussed with the pupil him/herself, the child must be motivated to enter and follow the program.


The costs for the parents are €95,- These costs are for 12 meetings including a follow-up meeting. If you as a parent do not have the option to pay this amount, you can contact Stichting Leergeld.  Stichting Leergeld reimburses the parental contribution, provided the parents are eligible. To assess this, they will talk to parents who are not yet known to Stichting Leergeld. When parents are known to Stichting Leergeld, a personal meeting is not necessary and the invoice for the process may be sent to Stichting Leergeld.

Stichting Leergeld can be reached on Monday morning and Thursday morning on telephone number: +31(0)40 - 213 11 41 or you can send an email to

Learning competences:

Good learning competences are of great importance for the success of school. Learning competences are skills that children need to go to secondary education. Skills that enable people to learn, even outside of school. In order to successfully complete a school career, it is a condition that kids have learning skills that suit them. Some pupils are not sure how to learn effectively. Despite the effort, it does not deliver the desired result. This can make children unmotivated. Playing for Success Eindhoven wants to focus on the learning skills below within the process.


This includes topics such as learning to plan homework: when is what is learned, who can you talk to when something is not going well and / or when there are questions.


Self-knowledge is something pupils know about themselves. What does a pupil think he / she is good at and what does a pupil think he / she is less good at? Some children can learn by means of read a text twice, others need it to make a summary. This is different for every kid. We pay attention to the way of learning and what works for a pupil. We will also look together with the children at how he / she deals with skills that are less developed.


Pupils have been collaborating since primary school. Yet it is not easy for many children to work well together. How do they deal with differences of opinion, how do they arrive at a solution. Children need to understand that they are “wise” to each other. can make and use each other. Collaboration is also an important social competence that is frequently addressed within the process. For Playing for Success, collaboration is often a means of achieving the kids' goals.

analyzing and structuring the subject matter:

This is about understanding the subject matter. With the help of schedules, summaries or structuring of the subject matter. This can also be understood to mean: how do pupils distribute the subject matter, what do pupils understand and what do they still have questions about, how do they distinguish main issues from side issues, etc. By talking to children about their way of learning, we can support them in finding a suitable way.

Concrete processing of learning material:

By concrete processing we mean that pupils think about daily situations they experience and link these to the subject matter (lifelike learning). In this way it can become easier for children to hold and understand material. We also pay attention to "why are we learning".

Critical processing of learning material:

By critical processing we mean that pupils do not just adopt the subject matter but actively think about the material. What is a fact and what is an opinion, how do the children think about it (what is their own opinion). In this way, kids develop more awareness about certain topics.

Social competences:

Within the trajectory, the activities are structured in such a way that social competences are automatically addressed. We do this by offering activities in which children have to contact each other because there is a need to work together. In this process it is first of all important that the guidance and also the kids make each other aware of behavior. Then steps can be taken to deal consciously with certain behavior and to learn behavior. Pupils take these steps by setting a personal learning goal, which will be reviewed after each meeting. Through the group process, children can also help each other in this process, they give each other tips and can share experiences.

Forming friendships by Talking and listening:

In this age phase, pupils also seek out their important contacts outside the family. It is very important that children can and dare to make contacts. For this it is necessary to talk and listen to others.

Dealing with feelings:

For the first time, pupils find themselves in larger groups with many casual contacts in this phase. It is important for children to recognize and acknowledge their own feelings. In this way they can learn to handle it properly. It is important that they dare to talk about the feeling, so that they involve the environment in their lives. It is also important that kids learn to be able to deal with the feelings of others. Playing for Success creates a safe working atmosphere so that this competence can also be addressed. Pupils regularly work in small groups in which personal matters can be discussed. It is also always possible for a pupil to enter into an individual conversation with one of the supervisors. In this way we try to get children to take steps to discuss feelings of themselves and others.

Standing up for yourself and making choices:

If children are going to carry out assignments at school and / or elsewhere, it is important that they can acquire their own position in the group. It is important that they form an opinion, dare to express their opinion, dare to say what they like and what they do not like. In this way, kids also develop their own identity, also important when it comes to making choices. Finding a middle way between manifesting yourself, participating in the group and taking the environment into account. During the Playing for Success trajectory, the pupil  will function within a new group and will be given opportunities to practice this competence.


Collaboration is used as a means to improve social competences. It is important that kids can perform school tasks together with others. This requires a good image of themselves and others. They must learn to see what they have to offer others and what others have to offer them. Within the trajectory there is frequent collaboration and reflection on the own behavior and behavior of others.

Dealing with authority and being polite:

It is specific to the target group to test the authority. Everyone must determine his / her own latitude. Children are busy finding the right attunement. Within the trajectory, the pupils are faced with different supervisors and they make new contacts. By having kids work together with many different people and make contacts, they practice finding this attunement in a good way.

Preventing and resolving conflicts:

It is important that children can prevent and / or resolve conflicts. During the process, we discuss this topic with the kids. We discuss conflicts and how they can deal with them. We show a lot of exemplary behavior in which children can experience how to stand up for yourself without getting into a conflict situation.