Playing for Success Eindhoven is a unique concept that increases the development opportunities of children and young people. These are children who can use a helping hand in increasing self-confidence, motivation, cooperation with other children and / or being more positive about themselves. These are often children who do not achieve the optimum return at school. Playing for Success wants to prevent / reduce underachievement and underachievement and thus prevent early school leaving.
Playing for Success Eindhoven stands next to the pupils in the process and gives them responsibility for their own learning process. The Foundation does this by setting learning goals together with the children. Often these are goals that you cannot achieve in a meeting. Every week the children record a step, what can be achieved in that week and what is related to their learning goal. Children practice their steps by performing challenging activities in and around the Philips Stadium or the Parktheater.
All activities contain goals aimed at increasing social competences and language and arithmetic are used as a means. The foundation mainly emphasizes what children can do instead of what they cannot do. Children do not experience that "they're learning" as all activities are offered in a challenging and spectacular way. Playing for Success Eindhoven is not a school, it is an addition to education.
The process consists of 12 meetings in which children come to the learning center in the Philips Stadium or the Parktheater once a week. Children are also given the opportunity to make use of a follow-up meeting three months after completion of the program. The children are placed in a group of maximum 20 kids and the group is supervised by a qualified teacher and five permanent supervisors. Each meeting is structured as a football match (or a theater performance) with a:
- Warming-up
- Pre-meeting (tactics determination)
- First half
- Halftime
- Second half
- Evaluation
sign up
Registration takes place through school. In the first instance, the school contacts the parents and discusses the reason for registration with the parents. When parents agree to the registration, the school prepares the digital forms together with the parents. They do this by logging into the portal of Playing for Success Eindhoven (see link below). Here they fill in the selection criteria form. The information of the kids must also be entered. When these two forms are completed, press send.
Go to the login page:
After registration
When Playing for Success Eindhoven has received the registration, the pupils are divided into groups. There are groups from Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Prior to the process, Playing for Success Eindhoven sends the parents the data. Schools will be informed by email to which group the children are assigned.
Children can be registered all year round. Three times per school year, Playing for Success Eindhoven starts with a learning path. These programs start in September, January and April. Playing for Success Eindhoven always contacts the schools by email when a new cycle starts.

Contact with schools
Playing for Success Eindhoven will contact the school when children are not present and / or if there are any specifics. The schools are also invited to the festive graduation ceremony that will take place at the 12th meeting. Pupils' progress can be viewed via the digital portal in the development report, which is put online three times per route. After each meeting it is clear what and how the children did that day at Playing for Success Eindhoven. You can also see the step and the tip & top of the supervisor is filled in.
Parents are invited by the Foundation three times to the learning center: prior to the process for the information evening, around the sixth meeting with the parent meeting and during the graduation ceremony.
The costs for the parents are €95,- These costs are for 12 meetings including a follow-up meeting. When parents have no option to pay this amount, they can contact Stichting Leergeld.
For the SALTO and SKPO schools, no contribution is requested from the schools for the after-school process. The boards of these organizations pay the Foundation an annual contribution for the participation of their pupils. For schools outside Eindhoven, further consultation is required with Playing for Success Eindhoven and there are additional costs associated with the school when a pupil participates.
Dates and Times
Three times a school year, an after-school learning process of 12 weeks starts. The start will take place in: September, January and April.
• Parktheater: Monday between 3:30 PM and 6:00 PM.
• Philips Stadium: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (group 8 route) and Friday between 3:30 PM and 6:00 PM.
• Class course: during school hours.