Playing for Success Eindhoven

ANBI Status

The Playing for Success Eindhoven foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as a Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling ANBI. This means that the donations made to our Foundation qualify as a deductible item for the tax return of the donor!

Under the new ANBI terms and conditions as of January 1, 2014, our website must contain the following information:

ANBI Name of institution
Foundation Playing for Success Eindhoven

Visiting address
Philips stadium, entrance 1
Frederiklaan 10,
5616 NH Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Mailing address
PO Box 886
5600 AW Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Phone: +31(0)40 - 25 05 319
CoC: 17257512
VAT nr:  NL821006150B01

Balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure
Download here the balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure over 2021 for the purpose of the publication obligation.


Composition of the board
Voorzitter: Nancy van Loon (LUMENS)
Secretaris / Penningmeester: Margreet Jongejans - De Leeuw (SALTO)
Algemeen bestuurslid: Marjon Reus (PARKTHEATER EINDHOVEN)
Algemeen bestuurslid: Peter Tijs (SKPO)

Remuneration Policy
The professionals who work for Playing for Success Eindhoven are seconded and paid according to the Collective Labor Agreement for Primary Education and the Collective Labor Agreement for Welzijn. The interns all do an internship on a voluntary basis and do not receive an internship fee. The board members of our foundation do not receive any compensation for their services.

Policy plan
Based on the core values ​​of Playing for Success Eindhoven; working together and taking responsibility together, the Foundation already started setting up and gradually implementing a co-financing model in 2011, made up of a contribution from the various stakeholders of Playing for Success Eindhoven. The idea behind this model concerns the fact that the Foundation is of the opinion that parties should each take their social responsibility. And in exchange for their fulfillment of needs by the learning center, they donate a contribution back to the Playing for Success Eindhoven Foundation. Either in a monetary contribution or in the form of a service in return.

The stakeholders of the learning center are:

  • Pupils and parents
  • Education
  • Wellbeing
  • Regional Businesses
  • PSV & Parktheater
  • Local government / society

In the diagram below, each interested party states their interest in an independent and high-quality learning center, as well as the contribution that the Playing for Success Eindhoven Foundation expects from them.

Interested party Importance Contribution
Pupils and Parents Increase development and self-confidence Financial parental contribution
Education Increase development efficiency Extra-curricular financial contribution
Wellbeing Increase development efficiency Financial contribution
Regional Businesses CSR and improving employment prospects Purchase of partnership
PSV & Parktheater CSR and image Free use of the learning center, staff, facilities, etc.
Local government Prevent early school leaving and improve
socio-economic perspective
Financial contribution


The full policy plan can be requested from